
AU$120.00 inc. GST (where applicable)

2811DC2-30 30 channel “2 wire 2 channel” DC dimmer

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30 Channel WS2811 controlled dimmer for 2 wire, 2 channel LED strings

2 x 3 way pluggable 3.5mm plugs for data in and data out.

20-40V power input. 15A maximum current

2A maximum per output

Channel Outputs
There are 30 channel outputs grouped as 15 pairs of 2 channels. The maximum load per channel is 2 Amps, but the overall limit is 15 Amps. This means that you can’t turn on all 30 outputs with the maximum load. In reality, this should not be a problem as most loads will be less than 2 Amps.

SPI Data Input/Output

The pcb has 2 terminals blocks for getting the SPI / pixel data into and out of the pcb. These are removable screw terminals and the wire that goes into each position is marked on the pcb. The data into the pcb comes in via the D.In terminal and data out to other boards or pixels goes out the D.Out terminals. The 3 terminals are GND, +VE and Data

A DC power supply and a  source of WS281x pixel data is what is required to run this board.

For more information on connecting and running Christmas lights visit http://auschristmaslighting.com

David Duffy of Audio Visual Devices has a page (http://www.da-share.com/circuits/2-wire-led-strings/) that has some information on the 2 wire, 2 channel led strings that this controller is used on. Lytworks lights from Bunnings as well as ones from Big W and other retail stores are mostly going this way.

2 wire, 2 channel led strings can be identified by the fact that there is a multifunction controller either as part of the power supply or inline with the wires from the power supply and from there out to the leds there are only 2 wires.

Additional information

Weight 0.15 kg
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 3.5 cm

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